繁栄の神様 別小江神社
The Kami of Prosperity Wakeoe Shrine
The information for the limited edition Goshuin is the following. The limited edition Gosuin will only be available for a week.
1月 正月御朱印
January: New Year Goshuin
2月 節分御朱印
February: Setsubun Goshuin
3月 離祭御朱印
March: Hinamatsuri (Doll’s Day/Girl’s Day) Goshuin
4月 通常御朱印
Regular Goshuin
5月 端午の節句御朱印
May: Tango-no-sekku (Boy’s Day) Goshuin
6月 大祓祭御朱印
June: Oharai-sai (Great Purification Festival) Goshuin
7月 七夕夏祭御朱印
July: Tanabata-natsu-matsuri (Star and Summer Festival) Goshuin
8月 通常御朱印
Regular Goshuin
9月 菊の節句御朱印
September: Kiku-no-sekku (Chrysanthemum Festival) Goshuin
10月 大祭御朱印
October: Tai-sai (Autumn Festival) Goshuin
11月 七五三御朱印
November: Shichi-go-san (Seven-Five-Three) Goshuin
12月 通常御朱印
Regular Goshuin
The design of the regular month’s Goshuin will depend on the season. Please visit our page “Goshuin” on our website for more information.
Please check our opening days on our website.There are days when the shrine is closed.
Goshuin (Seal Stamps)
January: New Year Goshuin
February: Setsubun Goshuin
Setsubun (seasonal division) marks the start of spring. People perform rituals such as throwing roasted beans around the house to chase away evil spirits.
March: Hinamatsuri (Doll’s Day/Girl’s Day) Goshuin
Hinamatsuri also called “Doll’s Day”, or also known as “Girl’s Day” is a celebration for girls which parents wish for their daughters’ good health and happiness.
May: Tango-no-sekku (Boy’s Day) Goshuin
Tango-no-sekku also called “Boy’s Day” is a day for boys which parents wish for their sons’ good health and happiness.
June: Oharai-sai (Great Purification Festival) Goshuin
Oharai-sai is a Shinto ritual to wash away the impurities that have accumulated over the past half year and to pray for good health for the remaining year.
July: Tanabata-natsu-matsuri (Star and Summer Festival) Goshuin
Tanabata or “Star Festival” is a Japanese summer festival that is generally celebrated on July 7th every year in Japan.
September: Kiku-no-sekku (Chrysanthemum Festival) Goshuin
Kiku-no-sekku is a time you wish for good health and longevity. It is the last of the “Five Seasonal Festivals “and typically you would find chrysanthemum flower exhibitions taken place throughout Japan.
October: Tai-sai (Autumn Festival) Goshuin
November: Shichi-go-san (Seven-Five-Three) Goshuin
Shichi-go-san is a celebratory day for three-, five-, and seven-year-old children. They are often taken to shrines and temples by their parents to pray for their happy future.
Annual Festivals and Events
January 1st Gantan-sai (New Year Ceremony)
Early January
Sagicho (Bonfire Ceremony)
This is when old New Year decoration such as New Year’s Writings, Kadomatsu, and Omamori from previous years are burned.
March 12th
Kinen-sai (Prayer Ceremony for Agricultural Fertility)
Mid July
Chinowa Shinji (Chinowa Summer Purification Ritual)
This is when you purify the impurities that have accumulated over the past half year.
Akamaru-Shinji (Akamaru Prayer Ritual for Infants)
A red mark is painted on the head of an infant to pray for their health and wellbeing.
Natsumatsuri (Summer Festival)
Tsushima-tennoo-sai (Tsushima Tenno Festival)
September 12th
Hachimansya-reitaisai (Annual Great Hachiman Shrine Festival)
Early October
Rei-taisai (Ritual Ceremony for Wakeoe Shrine Enshrinement Anniversary)
Ujiko-sai (Parishioners Festival), Night Fair
Mikoshito Shinji (Mikoshi Palanquin Ritual)
Mikoshi (palanquin, a portable shrine) is taken around to bless the city.
December 12th
Kanname-sai (Ceremony for giving Gratitude and Offering the Harvest)
December 30th
Ooharai-shiki (GreatPurification Ceremony)
This is a day when you purify the impurities that have accumulated over the year.
December 31st
Joya-sai (The Year-End Ceremony)
*Tsukiji-sai (religious rite) every month on the 12th except on Jan, Mar, Jul, and Oct.
Shrines in the Precinct
式内延喜八幡社 (神功皇后・応神天王)
Shikinai-Engi-Hachiman Shrine (Empress Jinguu, Emperor Oujin)
蛭子 金比羅社 (大物主命 蛭子神)
Hiruko, Kintohia Shrine (Omononushi-no-kami, Hiruko-no-Mikoto)
日神社 (天照大神)
Hinokami Shrine (Amaterasu Omikami)
御嶽社 (大物主命)
Ondake Shrie (Omononushi-no-kami)
津島社 (素戔嗚命)
Tsushima Shrine (Susanoo-no-Mikoto)
Spiritual Monuments
Jinmu-tenno (Emperor Jinmu)
Meiji-tenno (Emperor Meiji)
Spiritual Monuments
Deity of the Shrine
伊弉諾尊 (イザナギノミコト)
伊邪那美命 (イザナミノミコト)
天照大神 (アマテラスオオミカミ)
Amaterasu Omikami
素戔嗚尊 (スサノオノミコト)
蛭子命 (ヒルコノミコト)
Origin of Wakeoe Shrine
According to an old tale, it is said that it all started when Owarinokunimiyatsukoinadane buried a safe delivery power stone that belonged to Jinguukougou (empress Jinguu) when she gave birth to Oujintennou (emperor Oujin). The power stone was buried at a place called “Senbonsugi” and later became to known as Hachiman Shrine. Wakeoe Shrine was mentioned in an old book written in year 927 called “Engishiki-shinmeichou” that had all the names of the shrines in Japan at that time. The sub-shrine, Hachiman Shrine is known for enshrining a deity of childbirth and it is believed that if you spread out the straw harvested in Yasui Village, you will have a safe delivery. In year 1584, Oda Nobukastu, a Japanese samurai; second son of Oda Nobunaga, commanded Wakeoe Shrine to be relocated here. You can find rare pine trees that symbolizes “prosperity” within the precincts of this shrine. Because it grows naturally, it is believed there are special spiritual blessings that brings good luck and good fortune.